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发布日期:2021-05-29    作者:     来源:     点击:

2021年5月14日,公共实验技术中心免疫学技术平台在科技大楼13-2室举办了SCI论文报告会,研究生梁嘉钰作了题目为“Th1 Biased Progressive Autoimmunity in AgedAire-Deficient MiceAccelerated Thymic Epithelial Cell Senescence”的报告。会议由公共实验技术中心免疫学技术平台主任袁青教授主持,平台师生16人参加了本次会议。



Th1 Biased Progressive Autoimmunity in AgedAire-Deficient Mice Accelerated Thymic Epithelial Cell Senescence

ABSTRACT: Although autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, are frequently associated with premature aging of the thymus, a direct link is missing between autoimmunity and thymic atrophy. Here we monitored the progression of thymic involution in Aire-deficient mice, in which defective negative selection causes spontaneous and progressive development of autoimmunity. In young and middle-aged mice, Aire deficiency appeared to be protective as supported by the reduced β-gal+ epithelial cells and the enhanced thymic output. However, once the autoimmune phenotype was fully developed in aged Airedeficient mice, their thymuses underwent accelerated involution. In comparison to the age-matched wildtype littermates, old Aire-deficient mice showed lower numbers of total thymocytes and recent thymic emigrants but more β-gal+ thymic epithelial cells. This phenomenon may partly be attributable to the increased number of activated Th1 cells homing to the thymus. This speculation was further supported by the enhanced thymic aging following repeated challenges with complete Freund’s adjuvant immunization. Taken together, the present study highlights a unique mechanism by which autoimmunity facilitates the senescence of thymic epithelial cells through returning Th1 cells.

图/文 徐文峰


